Suffolk LTA New Strategy

Suffolk LTA has agreed a new strategy for the next 3 years and wants to publicise it so that Suffolk Clubs can see how LTA funding is used, and how clubs can work with us to deliver Tennis Opened Up in Suffolk.

As importantly, it marks a major change in the way SLTA volunteers are intending making their contribution to growing tennis in the County. By dividing the ‘must do’s’ and ‘want to do’s’ into the work of 6 sub-committees, there is the opportunity to involve many more tennis players and tennis friends in developing tennis in Suffolk.

Please take a look at the Strategy on the website. See where you think you may fit in. We are inviting volunteers to express an interest in joining any of the 6 sub-committees: Participation, Performance (junior and senior county tennis), Competition (all except County level), Governance, Finance and Promotion (communication). Meetings will be no more often than needed to get the work done, and meetings may be in person or virtual. Sub-committee members will be eligible to have their names entered in the Wimbledon volunteers ballot from 2025.

Please contact Sally Gooch on if you have any questions or want to see the terms of reference for particular sub-committees; and contact Sally or Sarah Elliott at if you want to put your name forward to join a sub-committee, stating your area of interest.

There is no formal closing date and the sub-committees will get going as soon as they each have sufficient members to start their work.